There are many ways to hair-rig hard pellets, but some of these methods require a drill or a bottle of Superglue. But what happens if you don't have either of those things? What do you do then?
It's actually possible to tie a large halibut pellet onto a hook hair, using a neat lasso formed from your hooklink material - and that can be either mono or braid - either will do the job effectively.
If the hooklength you are using happens to be a coated braid, you'll need to strip back quite a lot to enable you to tie your pellet on effectively.
So, here's how to tie it in eight simple steps...
- Make a loop in your hooklength, you’re going to tie a grinner knot
- Thread the end through the loop.
- Make sure you pass it through at least four times.
- Tighten down the loop - but not too far!
- Slip the pellet into the noose you’ve created.
- Trim off the tag end with a sharp pair of scissors.
- Using the knotless knot, attach the hook.
- Using another grinner knot, attach the swivel. The rig is now finished.