The Palomar is a sturdy and reliable fishing knot, which is easy to tie, and ideal for securing line to hooks or swivels, particularly with braided line and thin monofilament. This knot is also ideal for tying fused loop leaders to your mainline due to its superior strength.
It is important to avoid twisting the line when tying this knot, so follow this step-by-step guide below and get practicing tying it carefully...
Step 1

Double over about 4-6in at the end of your line and slide on your swivel or hook.
Step 2

Tie an overhand knot by taking the end over the doubled section and then inside the loop you have created.
Step 3

Pass the end of doubled line over the swivel or hook, moisten line, and tighten by pulling swivel or hook and the line.
Step 4

Trim off the tag end with a pair of sharp scissors.
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