Once we’ve had a few frosts and heavy rainfall has given the rivers a flush through, that means one thing – chub!
A popular winter target for many, chub are reliable feeders all year round and grow to impressive sizes in rivers across the UK, with the average adult size being 3-4lb.
They aren't the hardest fish to catch either, as long as you can avoid spooking them, they are usually more than willing to have a go at your bait.
Here then are 10 venues where you can catch this great cold weather species...

River Swale, Topcliffe, North Yorkshire
There are numerous great chub rivers in North Yorkshire, but if we had to pick one it would have to be the Swale. An attractive river winding its way through some stunning scenery, it’s home to quality chub to over 6lb. Roving tactics score well, with baits such as bread and maggots worth trying. Fishing these baits in a small feeder is a popular tactic.
Leeds and District Amalgamated Society of Anglers controls numerous stretches of the Swale that are well worth exploring.
Website: www.leedsdasa.co.uk
River Welland, Stamford, Lincs
This cracking bit of river is the ideal place to catch a few chub. Free to fish, simply park near the Meadows and wander down to the river. You’ll see no end of features to fish, and you can walk right the way upstream to the weir near Tinwell pumping station.
Any overhanging tree with some depth beneath it is worth a cast, but make sure to rove around if you’ve not had an indication after 20 minutes.
Contact: Angling Direct, Peterborough, 01733 551053

River Dane, Northwick, Cheshire
The intimate River Dane is the perfect venue for chub anglers. Filled with features, a day spent roving here can produce good numbers of fish. A range of tactics will score, from floatfishing with maggots through to legering bread and cheesepaste. Travel light and keep on the move if you’re not catching.
Northwich Anglers Association controls a few stretches of this river, and it offers day tickets and memberships on its website.
Website: www.northwichanglers.co.uk
River Great Ouse, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
Arguably the best river in the land for big chub, the Great Ouse presents a challenge, but the rewards are well worth it with fish to over 7lb, maybe even a bit bigger, on offer. A range of tactics will score, with some opting for a traditional roving approach with cheesepaste and bread, while others go down a bolt rig and boilie route.
Milton Keynes AA has numerous stretches of this river, with day tickets available on the bank on stretches including Harrold, Wolverton and the Bradwell Lake complex.
Website: www.mkaa.co.uk

River Dearne, Bolton-on-Dearne, South Yorkshire
On the feature-filled River Dearne you’ll find some great chub fishing, ideally suited to a roving approach. Slack areas, overhanging trees and deep holes are just some of the features to try. Simply bring some bread or a bit of cheesepaste and bait a few swims before fishing them. Much of the river is free to fish, with the stretch at Bolton-on-Dearne holding some good chub.
Contact: Paul’s Tackle Centre, 01709 862558
Warwickshire Avon, Stratford, Warwickshire
Fantastic chub sport is on offer on the Warwickshire Avon running through and beyond the historic town of Stratford. Match-style tactics score particularly well, and fishing a waggler or stick float with regular loosefeed is likely to get the fish competing.
Stratford Angling Association controls numerous stretches, some of which can be fished on a day ticket available on the bank.
Contact: Stratford Fishing and Outdoors, 01789 267992

River Waveney, Bungay, Suffolk
You’ll find some great chub fishing on Norfolk’s Waveney, where a day’s exploring can bring some great rewards. Bungay Cherry Tree Angling Club controls numerous stretches, including the day-ticket stretch at Outney Common. The overhanging trees hold big chub.
Day tickets are available in advance from Outney Meadow Caravan Park. The club also offers other stretches for members.
Website: www.bungaycherrytree.co.uk
Dorset Stour, Throop, Dorset
Arguably the most famous chub fishery in the country, Throop offers both quality and quantity of fish. One of the most popular tactics is to bring a load of maggots and fish a float. Spend time introducing free offerings to gain the fish’s confidence and then run a stick float or waggler into the feeding fish. Great bags are on the cards if you get it right.
Contact: Ringwood Tackle, 01425 475155

River Thames, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire
The Thames is one of Britain’s most renowned rivers for specimen chub. Fish to over 7lb are on the cards, and the stretch at Abingdon is well known for its quality specimens. There’s a weir as well as boats to cast towards. Waggler and maggot can produce with regular feeding, but a popular approach is to leger a boilie and wait for a beast to turn up. For day tickets visit the website below.
Website: https://www.abingdon.gov.uk/town-council/town-council-services/fisheries
Bristol Avon, Kellaways, Wiltshire
A day roving Chippenham AA’s stretch of the Bristol Avon can result in good numbers of chub hitting the landing net. The fish average between 2lb-3lb, with odd bigger ones, and are more than often obliging biters. There’s no need for fancy baits or rigs here – bread, cheese paste, worms and meat will all produce, fished on a simple link leger.
Contact: Premier Angling, 0117 9867507

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