Bag up on the rivers by following some of the great tips in this week's Angling Times. Here's what's inside...
News - Season starts with a bang, tackle giant to donate profits to charity and schoolboy completes cross-channel cast
Exclusive - How you can help beat angling's biggest problems
Your Top Catches and Drennan weekly round-up - great week for double figure tench!

Get Ready with Ringer - Choosing the right shallow float
Tackle Guide - Mark tests Preston's Ignition Method Feeder rod
Six great reels to use with the method feeder

Our pick of the best platform barrows
Martin Bowler - Gets stuck into tope
Where To Fish - Great Ouse review , Weston Pools lake map, plus 12 river stretches to try
Des Taylor - "Opening day, and it's Avon calling!"
Tips & Tactics - Follow the two-cast rule for chub with Dave Owen

Ringer to the Rescue - Waggler fishing to islands
Carp Skills - Carpfeed's Chris Haydon explains how to tackle canal carp
Bait Clinic with Paul Garner - Put your faith in pellets
How to read a river and where to cast

Match Scene - The Big Win - Champ's Diary and other results
5 Ways To Win Mugging On The Pole
Last Cast with Dom Garnett - "Variety makes angling a lifelong pleasure"
and much, much more!