ONE OF the biggest pike in recent years has been landed by former teacher Peter Wood, in the shape of this immense 38lb 15oz fish.
Peter, who now works as an artist, landed the beast from a club water in North Lincolnshire on his very first session at the venue. Fishing a roach deadbait, he wasn’t expecting anything massive during the session, with his aim being to get a few bites and a feel for the place.
“After moving home to Lincolnshire, I joined a local water and went down for a bit of a tester session to see what was in there,” he said.
“I had another rod set up to catch smaller fish, and after landing a few, my pike float slid away, and I connected with something far more substantial. It gave one of the best fights I’ve had, and as battle went on, I started to think it might be a pretty decent fish. When I saw its huge head, I quickly realised it was bigger than any pike I’ve had before, and I’ve caught some good ones in my time.”
As Peter was only expecting small stuff, he had a bit of a battle getting it into his modest-sized landing net.
“I managed to almost roll it in,” he added,
“before hoisting it out the water and placing it safely on the unhooking mat.”
“My scales quivered between 38lb 15oz and 39lb, and since landing the fish, the club have confirmed that the same pike was caught a few years ago weighing a few pounds less. In winter, I’m sure it’ll go 40lb.”
![“In winter, I’m sure that this pike will go 40lb”](