Angling Trust is pushing Government for water reform

by Freddie Sandford |
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The senior team of the Angling Trust were recently summoned to No.10 Downing Street to represent the voices of Britain’s two million anglers, ahead of the forthcoming review of Britain’s water industry. Jamie Cook (CEO), Martin Salter (Head of Policy) and Stuart Singleton-White (Head of Campaigns) attended, and although they didn’t meet the PM, they voiced their concerns with policy advisors.

“Our worries on regulation, as well as water companies putting profits before the environment, were raised and heard,” Martin told us.

“We were pleased to be inside the hallowed building, but really, it was a business meeting,” he added.

Martin revealed that the Angling Trust will be speaking to Government ‘every step of the way’ as the review, which is hoped to bring long-awaited change to the fortunes of Britain’s rivers, takes place.

“Anglers are seen as significant stakeholders in the state of rivers, and our voice is powerful in the pollution debate – Fish Legal has been fighting our side for decades,” he continued.

“Anglers are the canaries in the coal mine – the first to know of any issues on rivers.

“The Government recognises this, and we will keep the pressure on.”

There are hopes for meaningful changes
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