HAVING been a lifelong pike angler, Gary Clarke recently decided to turn his attentions to trying to catch big zander, and he hasn’t taken long to get into the swing of things judging by this superb 16lb 10oz fish that he banked last week.
The West Yorkshire angler was fishing on the River Trent, where he presented a 3ins roach deadbait on a paternoster rig. After receiving a shy bite, he struck into a fish that fought well, and admitted he was ‘blown away’ by the sight of the specimen when it surfaced.
In the weeks prior to landing his new PB, Gary did plenty of research and experimenting with rigs, and used it to catch lots of smaller zander, so was extra pleased that his efforts paid off with this fish. To top it off, he added another zander of 11lb 4oz in the same session!