Thames barbel is season’s biggest so far

18lb-plus giant falls after swim move

Thames barbel is season's biggest so far

by Angling Times |
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A CHANGE of swim proved to be a great move for HGV driver James Stewart when he landed this impressive 18lb 8oz barbel from the Thames – the biggest of the season.

After introducing some bait while setting up in the new swim, where overhanging trees provided cover on both sides, James presented a 15mm boilie on a running rig with a 3oz lead.

He fished through the night with no action, but come sunrise the rod hooped over, and as soon as he picked it up, he knew it was a good barbel.

The fish stayed deep, surging powerfully along the bottom, but after 20 minutes James finally got a glimpse of a barbel that set his heart racing. It’s a new personal best, and one he is already looking forward to try and beat.

James Stewart –  18lb 8oz barbel
James Stewart – 18lb 8oz barbel
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