FURTHER proof that the River Thames is home to monster uncaught catfish has emerged after two anglers hooked and lost a true giant that ended up trashing their gear.
Angling guide Dan Lantz and his client Neil were targeting carp from a boat when something bigger than they bargained for picked up their hookbait.

“It was our first bite, so Neil hit the screaming take in the lashing rain,” Dan told us. An epic battle followed, with Dan’s beefy rod ‘exploding’ mid-fight, and the pair having to chase the fish with the boat before it eventually ditched the hook. But prior to losing the fish, they caught a glimpse of a ‘6ft-long beast’.
“I’ve spoken to catfish specialists since, who estimate it weighed 80lb-120lb,” Dan added. “It’s believed some have been in the river since the 1960s when there was a stocking, and there’s even been rumblings of escapees from London Zoo.”