Top turbot is a British and Euro best – by 3lb!

The previous national record had stood for 42 years...

Top turbot is a British and Euro best – by 3lb!

by Angling Times |
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THIS turbot has set the sea angling world alight, smashing not only the British, but also the European, record.

It was landed in the cold waters off Shetland by Doncaster angler Alan Evans and weighed 36lb 7oz – a whole 3lb over the previous national benchmark that had stood for 42 years.

Alan fished aboard skipper John Keggie’s charter boat Revolution, and after a successful morning’s cod fishing in rough seas, he connected with something heavy on a sandeel and squid cocktail hookbait.

“I knew from the fight that it wasn’t a cod, and as it loomed up through the clear water, I could see it was a huge turbot. Skipper John knew straight away it was a potential record,” Alan said.

“John made no mistakes in landing it, and It was a fantastic feeling to catch such a special fish surrounded by a great bunch of mates.”

<strong>This 36lb 7oz turbot is a new British record by a wide margin of 3lb</strong>
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