Two eel PBs in 30 minutes!

11lb-plus brace of eels scoop Drennan Weekly Award

Two eel PBs in 30 minutes!

by Angling Times |
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A mad half-hour spell resulted in two monster eels for Gavin Barrett, who landed the fish when a low-pressure front rolled in just after dark.

Targeting the base of a vertical marginal slope, where the water drops from 5ft down to 13ft, the Salisbury-based angler landed both fish on hair-rigged sections of lobworm.

“After dropping the rods in at 8.30pm, I had a twitchy take just over an hour later, and after a tug of war, I landed the first fish which weighed 5lb 2oz,” he told us.

“Quickly, I got the rod back out, and shortly after I received another delicate bite. This time, I netted an even bigger eel, weighing 6lb 2oz.

“Fishing close in, in such deep water, it’s like playing fish from a boat! But they’re amazing creatures, as old as the hills.”

Gavin Barrett and his 6lb 3oz eel
Gavin Barrett and his 6lb 3oz eel
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