LATE last October I visited Daiwa headquarters in Lanarkshire for an exclusive sneaky-peek at the firm’s new products.
Among a blistering array of rods, reels, poles and carp gear were three new fishing seatboxes that pretty much stole the show for me, and the Daiwa 90 all-round box was my personal pick of the bunch.
Below, we take another look at that trio of System 36 seatboxes, which are now on general retail release, as well as reviewing Daiwa’s latest D-Tatch seatbox accessory range that covers all bases.
WHAT THEY SAY: All three new Daiwa seatboxes feature the latest System 36 design specs, including round 36mm telescopic legs secured with locking handwheels. A sturdy aluminium and steel construction extends to a retractable footplate, while fully interchangeable stack systems with easy-click layers all feature a ridged and recessed compression seal. Upper compartments come with two shallow winder trays, one with pre-fixed compartments and the other with build-your-own dividers. The flagship Tournament 800 also comes with three trays holding 64 different sized slide winders.
WHAT WE SAY: Daiwa’s System 36 design features a rotating handwheel that can be positioned in front of, behind, or in the middle of the leg mount. This keeps the handwheel out of harm’s way when the box is in transit. A look inside the leg block reveals a ridged metal system that tightens across the legs, making them rock-steady even if you’re partial to the odd slice of cake.
Watch our exclusive video on these stunning new seatboxes HERE.
Price: Tournament 800 £699.99, Daiwa 500 Seatbox £550, Daiwa 90 £399

WHAT THEY SAY: These non-telescopic fixed legs allow you to set your seatbox that bit lower, and are ideal on canals or venues where keeping a low profile will reap rewards.
WHAT WE SAY: Virtually all natural banks slope towards the water, so seatbox front legs nearly always need lengthening to get level. The System 36 Mini Leg Extension is very handy in this respect, and it also allows side trays and box fittings to be brought closer to hand.
Price: 36mm Fixed Seatbox Leg £11.99, Leg Extension £9.99

WHAT THEY SAY: This shallow winder, that fits all three new Daiwa seatboxes, features a compression seal to keep out the wet, and a perforated base that eliminates damp.
WHAT WE SAY: At 20mm top to bottom, this tray houses all but the deepest winders. The perforated metal base is a clever idea, as pole rigs can be quickly air-dried if they get wet through.
Price: £29.99

WHAT THEY SAY: These angled bars, in short, medium and long lengths, have a 200cm extending upright compatible with any standard thread fitting that can be removed from their D-Tatch blocks.
WHAT WE SAY: Accessory arms have a multitude of uses, so look where things should be positioned. Remember that rods and pole top kits need putting down when a fish is landed. The ground isn’t the best place, as that’s how stuff gets broken.
Price: From £9.99

WHAT THEY SAY: This angled accessory bar features soft rippled EVA tubing on which to rest rods and pole sections. It has two extendable upright arms and is removeable from the D-Tatch block, making for a quick and tidy set-up of your fishing station.
WHAT WE SAY: Seen it all before with accessory bars? Maybe not… this D-Tatch Duo Arm has two telescopic uprights that allow for extra height adjustment and the addition of pole socks, tulip fittings or rod rest heads.
Price: £15.99

WHAT THEY SAY: For use when you have multiple keepnets in front of you, this handy Swivel Feeder Arm can be adjusted to suit all lengths of rod at any angle.
WHAT WE SAY: Ideal for commercial fisheries, as the mid-swivel bracket allows the fore-arm and extendable upright to be adjusted around and above your keepnets.
Price: £24.99

WHAT THEY SAY: This extendable Feeder Arm is quick and easy to set up as the carrier section can be left attached to your seatbox leg. It can be installed on both square and round legs.
WHAT WE SAY: Ideal for feeder or bomb work on rivers, where its extending telescopic arm can be raised to reduce line drag in fast water and hold the feeder still on the riverbed.
Price: £18.99

WHAT THEY SAY: A universal fitting that fits almost any seatbox, the Keepnet Arm is perfect for fishing from a platform or on rock-hard ground.
WHAT WE SAY: We’re sure that keepnet arms disappear into the same invisible pit that blights all disgorgers! The Daiwa D-Tatch Mini-arm can be removed with the leg block still in place, so our advice would be to leave the fitting on the leg at all times. It will ensure speedy set-ups and prevent annoying losses.
Price: £8.99

Watch Mark's review HERE.
For the full on the bank test of the D90 seatbox click HERE.