THE feeder is a great leveller. In its various forms – Method, Hybrid, pellet, maggot or variants of these – it’s super-easy to use and will catch you loads of fish on commercials.
Most Method feeders have flat plastic bodies and lead-weighted undersides, which helps them to land the right way up.
They come in a couple of styles – elasticated and inline – but for me the elasticated (bolt rig-style) versions always work best for commercial carp, as long as the fishery allows their use. They undoubtedly provide much better hook-ups and make playing big fish much easier, as the elastic works as a shock absorber to soak up the runs and lunges of powerful fish.
THERE are a few versions of Middy’s clever spring-loaded feeder, but they all work the same. Push soft pellets or groundbait into the wedge-shaped opening – once the feeder hits the bottom and the feed expands, the spring works to shoot the feed out around your hookbait. Very effective, especially on waters where it hasn’t been used a lot.
Price: From £2.50,
+ Can be used with pellets, groundbait or a combination
+ Can also be used to devastating effect with dead red maggots

THIS is the most popular feeder on the market today. Guru Hybrids come in many sizes and weights, all with distance and accuracy in mind.
Easy to load, they prevent bait spillage even when fished at long range and in deep water. Their weight-forward design with strategically placed holes gives optimum bait release and a quick feed breakdown.
Price: £2.75,****__
+ Super feeders for long and accurate casts
+ Bait doesn’t spill out easily, making them ideal for deep water

THE new Banjo XR feeder has a plastic and metal body that makes it extremely easy to cast accurately. The ICS system means it can be interchanged with other Preston ICS feeders and leads too.
Size-compatible moulds impart a low, aerodynamic shape to the payload for maximum distance casting.
Price: £2.99,****__
+ Ideal for casting tight to the sloping banks of an island or margin
+ Long casting capabilities

THIS shovel-shaped feeder has a tapering heavy base, with the lead biased toward the front end to improve distance and accuracy. Its low profile stays tight to the lakebed, where its speckled brown colour makes it unobtrusive.
These in-line feeders come with a Method connector bead in three sizes, with 30g, 35g and 40g weights.
Price: £2.65,
+ The clever design allows for quick bait release
+ A forward weight bias helps with casting accuracy

THIS beauty casts like a dream and is super-accurate. Quick and easy to fill, its rear-fitted weights are interchangeable. It’s ideal for carp and F1s.
Used with a running line set-up it’s a proven winner, even in the hands of a novice. Brown body colour blends in perfectly with most lakebeds. They come in three body sizes with weights from 10g to 20g.
Price: £1.99,
+ Great maggot feeder for cold water conditions
+ Casts easily and accurately

IF THE venue allows the use of an elasticated Method feeder, this is the one I’d choose.
Guru’s unique X-Safe system prevents tethering and is fish and fishery-friendly. A hookbait platform gives perfect bait presentation. Vented arms allow for a fast and even feed breakdown, while a weight-forward loading assists casting. In four sizes with weights from 24g to 45g.
Price: £3.25,****__
+ Superior bait presentation
+ Easy to use with an X-Press mould