It's not very often that you get to test a new tackle item that comes with the reputation of being the very best in its price bracket. But that’s exactly how Shimano’s Aero Power Margin 850 is seen by many anglers in the know.
I got a close look at this pole when Shimano hosted a press day at Tunnel Barn Farm in early spring. Sure enough, I, along with others in the trade, proclaimed the new and as yet generally unseen Aero Power Margin 850 to be a likely best-seller, and certainly the finest margin pole in its class this year.

So here we are, fully eight months on from its ‘debut’ and, sure enough, this pole has received wide public acclaim for both its performance and price. Let’s face it, when it comes to buying a new pole, no matter how much or how little of your hard-earned you are about to splash out, you’ll want to get as much out of it as is humanly possible. It goes without saying that, even if you are buying a budget-end model, it’s still got to be able to perform, especially in the case of a margin pole. It is, after all, going to be used with the heaviest of elastics for the largest of fish.
Be in no doubt, the Aero Power Margin is an incredibly strong 8.5m carp cruncher, made to cope with the largest of fish in any situation. Ideal as a stand-alone margin pole when strength is of the utmost importance, it is also compatible with Shimano’s latest and affordable Aero X3, X2 and X1 poles, which are ideal should you require extra length.
The pole is built from a high-quality lightweight carbon that makes the Aero Power Margin easy to use at its full length for extended spells without causing arm ache or back pain. Its awesome power is made possible by a clever combination of high-tensile carbons, advanced tapered section design and some serious joint reinforcement.
Moving on from the build technology, there’s a range of features that emphasise Shimano’s commitment to producing the very best. Aero Joint is a reinforcement that improves longevity, the Aero Alignment System maximises stiffness, while Shimano’s Ultra Sound Finish delivers super-smooth shipping under all conditions.

So that you can choose your preferred puller kits, a reinforced band is positioned on the second section of all the top kits. For me, this is the pole’s only fault – I really would have liked a pre-fitted side puller kit. However, it’s not a deal breaker, and your local tackle shop could have it sorted out for you in a jiffy.

As for performance, this super-modern and super-lightweight margin pole is one heck of a lot better than anything that went before! There was a time (and it wasn’t so long ago) when margin poles, especially cheap ones, were little more than ungainly top-heavy skull draggers, with all the finesse and balance of a drunken wombat on a skateboard.
Thankfully, those days are long past, and now we have margin poles that are exceptionally easy to use, with superb handling qualities and tactical flexibility. Oh, and they are endowed with enough pulling power to satisfy the most demanding of fishing situations.
You don’t have to take my word on just how good this pole is at its price. Throw the question out to the wider public on any fishing website and, as sure as maggots wriggle, you’ll get the same answer… it’s very, very good!

The only thing left for me say is that during the live test at Jansons Fishery, nothing that I hooked with it caused me any concern. I did choose a swim that required a fair bit of tugging to get the fish out of the snags and into open water ready for the net. For that reason I had chosen a Preston Innovations Dura size 18 elastic, not noted for taking prisoners, and likely to put some fair strain on the pole. Nothing phased it, and it never felt out of its depth. It’s difficult for me to fault, other than the absence of that pre-fitted side puller. At 8.5m it will reach to the edge of most adjoining platforms on most commercials and, with a top kit plus one or two, it’s a weapon of mass destruction if you happen to be a carp.
If I was a regular on any small commercial water where it’s all about filling your boots, I would definitely buy this pole. It’s easy to fish with, and bulletproof. Add a couple more top kits, say for a spare paste rig and/or an up-in-the-water rig, and you won’t need anything else. What’s more, you can do it for less than the price of a sixth section of most mid-priced long poles.
The Aero Power Margin pole is an incredibly strong 8.5 metre margin pole designed to cope with the largest match-sized carp in the most extreme situations. Ideal as a standalone margin pole when strength is of the upmost importance, it is also compatible with Aero X3, X2, and X1 poles when extra length is required.
- Lightweight and very easy to use
- Bucketloads of pulling power
- Needs fitting with a side puller slot, although reinforcing band is built in